Sunday, March 29, 2020

little mermaid


the ship that'll wreck before it lands on the coast
we still board just because everyone does it

the beautiful scenery is promising
the sea is crystal clear penetrate to underwater
the sky is spacious full of blue and white

but don't we all know
the sea was not made for everyone.

the waves are too fast
the tides are unexpected

and (now) then we only hope we stranded to somewhere safe.
maybe an island
a beautiful island

because finally, we all deserved living.



aku kau dan ombak
kau ombak dan aku

tibanya sudah kuduga
ritmanya sudah kuhafal

dia datang menghempas
hatimu dipulas
hatiku diculas

mataku pedih
hatiku jerih
air sudah paras muncung
hatiku dahulu dipancung

kakiku longlai
jiwaku sudah bercerai berai
nafasku dihujung tangkai

perlahan aku sedar
realiti mendakap diri
aku bukan lagi sebuah bingkai



Saturday, March 28, 2020


I've enjoyed listening to the performance and people screaming, standing by the window watching fireworks with people countdown for the new year wasting my time in the library studying for finals, catching up on datelines, discussion and assignments so late until I'd missed the bus so I have to walk to reach my dorm, attend the theater with a front-row seat, I cried during the hero had to die and I laugh for part two, failing on my tests, lost my bracelet and stressing about eczema.

I experience all these things without you, I survived...until today without you. But why do I still miss you....? Why does my mind-heart still remember you, someone who never exist or walk into my life? 

I know you are somewhere some far away. Thus I hope you eat well, study well and living well. Whatever you do, don't give up on time like this. 
Just...wait for me
wait, so I know that I'm not fighting this battle alone.....

I've still got so much love hidden beneath this skin
So darling
Put a little love on me
We wrote and we wrote
Til there were no more words
We laughed and we cried
Until we saw our worst
Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are
Is it wrong that I still don't know my heart


Friday, March 27, 2020



all the words that brave enough to punch my gut

it cost pain
leave a bruised
and tattooed all my body

two feet
you leave

your last wish
it nails in my head
I read it like a pray
and chanting your names within

I know you already moved on
black suits and dress
nice place
fresh flowers
on the stone
that carve my name

those four words
I will never get to say
so I keep it
as I rest in peace


Thursday, March 26, 2020


walau sedang aku tersasar
aku masih mahu pulang ke landasan yang benar

ketika hati ini keras dan beku
aku masih mahu terus bersujud kepadaMu

ketuklah hatiku berkali kali
ingatkan aku bahawa ini semua duniawi

kecewa dan putus asa
hadirkan ia untuk seketika

kerana  Tuhan
aku masih lagi mahu
terus berharap dan
berteduh dibawah rahmatmu

,Dewan Resital Panca Sakti

yang buruk itu semuanya dari saya, yang baik itu datang dari Tuhan dan ibu bapa